Shenzhen JND Technology Co., Ltd.

GNSS differential information acquisition pathways, mobile base stations or satellites for real-time

Release time: 2021-03-26 06:06:05Views:

GNSS differential information acquisition path, mobile base station or satellite requirements for real time

GNSS differential information access: for the acquisition of differential signals, there are generally three ways: 1, through the domestic companies specializing in the operation of differential base station services, such as Thousand Position; 2, through some of the relevant departments to obtain, such as the local geographic information mapping management department; 3, some enterprises through the self-built base station to obtain.

Moving persuasion base station or satellite on the real-time requirements: now the differential transmission is through the mobile Internet communication technology to communication transmission to the mobile terminal, because the differential correction message is every second need to transmit, in the high-frequency state must be done in real-time correction, so real-time is very important. If the network delay is too high, it will cause the differential period to become larger, which will lead to a decrease in accuracy or exit the centimeter-level fixed solution. Therefore, guaranteeing the real-time and stability of communication is very important for high-precision positioning, and at the same time, other means are now being used to prevent the problem of how to deal with the interruption. I also said above, mobile network and satellite-based differential dual-link transmission is the future development trend of differential message transmission communication technology.

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